ACTA Key Messages Story Board -  Ho! Ho! Ho!Lifecycler_ACTA.html

Peer reviewed by an independent third party panel of PhD’s in Environmental Engineering (H. Scott Matthews), environmental chemist (Mike Levy) and forestry expert of fir species (Eric Hinesley)

Peer reviews allow the LCA to be subjected to critical scrutiny by colleagues (peers) before being accepted for publication - often after considerable adjustments. Judgement from peers becomes the ultimate quality assurance for scientific work.

H.Scott Matthews - PhD and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Laudise Prize Winner from the International Society for Industrial Ecology.

Mike Levy - Director with the American Chemistry Council, expert of Plastics and Lifecycle Assessments.

Eric Hinesley - PhD from Mississippi State. Professor of Horticulture at North Carolina State University.

Peer Reviewed